Saturday 2 August 2008

Dear Diary...

How do.

I'm new to this whole blogging malarkey and not entirely sure why I set one up or who it's for, to be perfectly honest. I used to keep a diary when I was a teenager - and recently rediscovered what a huge mess of angst and calamity they were - but gave up on it all when I hit my twenties and became too lazy (and started my working life properly, which sometimes equates to the same thing). I suppose this will be the new-improved version of those diaries. But of course, down the line I may decide that this is all a bit too egotistical for me and never write another post again.

So, why am I feeling the need to document my so-called life now, then? Well, my reasons are three-fold:

  1. I'm growing more forgetful as I approach the dreaded late-twenties.
  2. My life becomes more like a car-crash or bad BBC sitcom every day and if I don't laugh about it, I'll cry.
  3. By writing things down I can hopefully get stuff straight in my head because, as you may come to see, I'm one of the most indecisive people I know and change my mind constantly about everything.
That's something you should know about me straight off. My indecisiveness. Don't be surprised if the next time you visit this blog it looks completely different (if I haven't bored you enough already, that is). Hmm, what else do you need to know about me? The main bits are up in my profile box. Ooh, another thing though - I ramble on a lot. Turn back now while you still have the chance if you're adverse to witterers. And I rant. Often about nothing.

As well as wittering on about my daily mundanities I think I'll be including some posts about the flicks I've been watching. Which can be a lot. I'm a film graduate and have been in love with film since the age of 3 when I first saw Ghostbusters and decided I wanted to catch ghosts for a living. Consequently, there's a library of film twaddle and trivia in my head so I may infer some of that on here too. Oh, and lists. I like lists. We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, as a first post this is pretty rubbish so I'll leave it at that and get back to my pjs. What a rock n roll Saturday night.


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