Tuesday 16 September 2008

Running on empty...

Apologies for the lack of posts over the last week. Things have been hectic to say the least and I feel like I'm only just starting to catch my breath. The last week can be summed up like so: work stress, spent too much money at opticians, work stress, hen do, work stress, London, sandwiches, work stress. More on the hen do another time, and I'm still recovering from the horrendously expensive trip to the optician so it's best left well alone for now.

The office is doing my head in at the minute and my workload is really getting to me. Stuff comes in quicker than I can turn it all around and the in-tray - on what used to be my desk but is now where paper goes to die - is literally four feet high. On Thursday we had a very big logistical nightmare to sort out for some publicity photos. The photo shoot from hell. Hard work. Tons of red tape and health and safety gubbins. To be expected really, since the shoot involved an orchestra on top of the giant curved mirrored roof of our building. It all came off ok in the end thankfully and the photos are beautiful. But I'm still drowning in paper.

As previously reported, my little sister moved to London town and somehow my other half and I volunteered to take a car load of her stuff down for her over the weekend. Cue a total of 16 hours on the road and a diet that consisted completely of service station sandwiches and coffee. Plus the odd Malteaser or two. Mmmm, Malteasers. The roadtrip was like Death Race 2000 in places...killer motorbikes stalking us; obliterated caravans by the side of the road; the delays from hell. And my sister had me sleeping on her flat's floor in what can only be described as some sort of black body bag. I felt like Meryl Streep in the morgue in Death Becomes Her. ('These are the moments that make life worth living' - a fantastic quote from that film!) Being drugged to the eyeballs on Lemsips for a rotten sore throat didn't help, either. But, 'twas fun and a nice time was had by all.

Think I just need to sleep and replenish my creative juices. Ewww, that sounded wrong. Pass me a Tia Maria and coke, someone. And maybe a comfy pillow. Please?


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