Thursday 30 April 2009

No, I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a Harry Potter fan...

Yessss! It's Thursday night and I'm not back at work until Tuesday morning. (Bank holidays and time off in lieu really do come in handy when you're short on the old annual leave.) That's four days of freedom, baby! Or, at least it would be if I didn't feel so icky. As previously posted, I thought I felt a bit funny after The Meal That Was Not Good on Monday (and I thought it might just be because I know my friend was also ill after said meal), but now I'm not so sure. For starters, I haven't actually been ill - and I'm sure something would have made a technicolour appearance had it been food related. No, I'm just feeling - well, icky is the only way to describe it. Run down and sickly and headachey and a bit poorly in general. I hope it goes off soon as there's a food fayre in town tomorrow and being a bit of a food-obsessive, I'd really like to go.

Anyway. Something which put me in a better mood instantly today was seeing a trailer for the next Harry Potter film, due out in July. The trailer is probably nothing new and existed online for ages, but it's sent me into a tizz and now I want to read Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince again, just to make sure I remember the story properly and see what bits they've cut out of it. I'll probably end up reading the seventh book as well for good measure - a) to refresh my head about where the story is going and b) because that's my favourite of the books. Eeeee it's so exciting! Oh, hush now. Yes I know I'm heading for 30 years of age but that says nothing.

And on another completely different note, this also cheered me up no end today:

Cats really do rule the internet.


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