Wednesday 20 May 2009

Noooo! Please don't take my goat's cheese...

Today I printed off a list of food stuffs to check I'm not eating anything I really shouldn't be, especially as every food label I seem to read says things like 'contains raw eggs' or 'may be unsuitable for pregnant women'. May be? That's just not good enough - I need a definite answer! 'May be' is neither use nor ornament when I'm ransacking the fridge in a hunger rage. You might have gathered that I'd like to consider myself a bit of a foodie, so I'm not really looking forward to cutting out nice things I would normally eat without a second thought. So, here we go, the no-no list. Let's see what it says:

Raw/undercooked eggs
I hate mayo anyway, so no loss there. And I don't like dippy eggs and soldiers. But I suppose I'll have to read up on labels such as uncooked cheesecakes, mousse and lemon curd. Not so bad, as long as I can still have chocolate.

Pate and liver products
Ewww. Not something I would choose to eat anyway. So far so good. Apparently it's the vitamin A content in them or something that does something nasty.

Soft ice cream
That's fine. I'm not a fan of Mr. Whippy and listeria doesn't sound too pleasant a side effect, so we'll give this a miss.

Avoid undercooked meat - bye bye rare steaks! Ah well. I'm sure I can live without Parma ham and the like for a few months, too.

Limit intake of oily fish like salmon, mackerel etc. to two per week to cut the risk of pollutants, also tuna due to the mercury content. OK, that's doable. I will miss smoked salmon, however. But can't say I've ever eaten shark or swordfish so am unlikely to miss those.

Only eat cooked seafood - no raw prawns etc. Which means no sushi - arrrrrgh! The Other Half better treat me to some sushi when I've de-sprogged, I tell you.

Unpasteurised dairy products
Avoid goat's and sheep's milk. Fair enough. And blue and soft cheese. Which means...horror of horror - I can't have goat's cheese, noooooo! I love goat's cheese.

The fridge better be stocked when I come home from hospital.


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