Thursday 5 February 2009

Adventures of the kamikaze kitteh...

Cats are very peculiar creatures. Not only do they power the internet (check out I Can Has Cheezburger if you don't believe me), but they are sneaky thieves. See below for my photographic evidence. Now, my cat looks quite proficient at this standing-on-my-bedside-cabinet-stealing-my-water-malarkey here, so I'm guessing she's been doing it for quite a while. On the sly. Which also means that I've been unknowingly sipping out of cat-tainted drinks in the middle of the night. Mmmm, delicious. I don't think.

The Cat Burglar caught in the act.
Note: the book on my bedside cabinet at the minute is utter rubbish. Just don't bother.

Anyway, yesterday I came home from work and our little mog wasn't mewing at the front door to greet me (and demand food) as usual. Instead, she was yelping on the landing and dragging herself about with limp hind legs. So, a trip to the vet was in order. Turned out she'd dislocated her hips and strained her ligaments. How, we can only guess - as nothing looked out of place in the house, like there'd been an almighty calamity. But I reckon she's tried to leap onto the cabinet (pictured) from the bed for a sneaky sup of my water, misjudged it completely and fallen down the gap.

She's on the mend. On a lot of drugs. And, I've had words with her. I think she understood that at 14, she should no longer be leaping about furniture in a kamikaze manner. Then she passed out on painkillers.


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