Saturday 21 February 2009

Lazy person post alert...

OK, I've just got around to filling this in on Facebook after being tagged by several other people, and thought it might inspire me to write a post. It hasn't yet. So I've cut and pasted in the hope that it will...and if you've already read it, well - you don't need to again. Bonus!

25 Random Things About Me

  1. I love all my family and friends. Even though most of them are complete lunatics.
  2. I wish I could become characters in books and films. I’d love to live in Harry Potter’s world. Or be Marty McFly’s sidekick. Or be a Goonie.
  3. As well as being a shameless blogger, I'm also a brand new Twitterer. Look me up on Twitter (although I have no idea exactly how it works and what I'm supposed to do with it, yet):
  4. The worst job I did was promotional work – on one job I had to dress up as a reindeer (antlers, red nose and all) in supermarkets and sing Christmas carols.
  5. I have had two ghostly experiences in my life!
  6. I was once in Byker Grove but all you could see of me on screen were my elbow and shoe.
  7. I love crap 80s films and music and can often be found dancing in my pjs in the kitchen.
  8. I once got a part as Medusa in a school play because I was the girl who could remember lines and scream the loudest.
  9. I really want to go to San Francisco, Oz and New Zealand. My favourite places I’ve been to so far are the Rockies, New York and New England.
  10. I love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen (even when it all goes hideously wrong). Sometimes I wonder if I should have gone to chef school instead of uni.
  11. I am allergic to red peppers and hate mayonnaise, boiled eggs and batter.
  12. I have danced on stage with Keith from Boyzone, had a piggy back from Frank Bruno, and almost been run over by Michael Winner (who, despite those Esure car insurance adverts, is not a good driver, I assure you).
  13. I have an MA in Film, and can’t decide what my favourite film is. It’s a very long list.
  14. I cry all the time at anything – books, films (even pathetic ones), songs…and have even been known to sob over adverts.
  15. I broke my toe 3 weeks before having to squeeze into wedding shoes, whilst intoxicated in my house with lots of friends playing giant Jenga.
  16. I’m really good at coming up with one-liners and witty retorts about an hour after I needed them.
  17. My family tree is nuts – I have an opera singer, the guy who played Tub in SuperGran, a drug baron and a woman who spontaneously combusted all on there.
  18. My tipple of choice is the oh-so-70s Tia Maria and coke.
  19. I’d love to have a dog but would feel too cruel leaving him in the house all day while I went out to work. I have a crazy cat instead.
  20. I carry a notebook with me to jot down odd things I find, funny turns of phrase I hear and (seldom) good ideas I might have. I’d love to be a published author.
  21. I would love to have a kitchen big enough to house an island in the middle. Where I could pretend to present my own cooking show.
  22. I would quite happily let Gene Hunt give me a slap.
  23. I would really love to have children one day but am absolutely terrified of being pregnant.
  24. If I won the lottery I would open my own café with a proper deli inside (i.e. not a sandwich shop!). I have a name worked out and everything.
  25. I seem to have a knack for hoarding trivia. Often useful in pub quizzes, always good for boring people to tears with.
Dammit, it still hasn't inspired me to write anything constructive yet.


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