Tuesday 3 February 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

I feel cheated. Cheated, I tell you! I've been robbed of a day off, all because the weather men told lies. There we were on Sunday night, watching the weather reports which told us to brace ourselves for heavy snow fall (and thinking, yeah right - it never snows heavy here. Whilst secretly wishing for a snow day to get us out of work), and lo! Monday morning arrives. The whole country was apparently in the midst of a blizzard - everywhere except my region, that is. We had a slight 'dusting'. Lies, goddammit, lies! How dare it not snow here. I really wanted to go sledging.

Instead, I've had to read all about other people sledging on the BBC News website while I pretended to be working. Reading all about how London was at a standstill because all the transport networks were out of action. Smug friends in the capital were giving me updates as their offices called it a day one by one and sent everyone out to have snowball fights. Watching with scorn and jealousy as thousands of photos poured in online of happy people building snowmen and having good, clean winter fun. Well, I've got news for you - you self-righteous, would-be-at-work-if-it-wasn't-for-this-white-dust, Frosty-building idiots. Your snowmen were rubbish! Rubbish, I say!

Bored and bitter, now. Unless it snows here, that is. Then I'd show those snowmen builders how it's done. Grrr.


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