Wednesday 29 July 2009

The bump cometh...

Today was my first day back at work after my week-long holiday of sleeping, lying in bed watching DVDs and shopping for maternity clothes that don't look like ancient Laura Ashley relics or involve any sort of dungarees. Why is it that people think pregnant women swan about in dungarees? In films it's like the only costume they have for ladies up the duff. I'd be able to hear the derisive laughter from here if I turned up at work wearing such giant-sized toddler apparel.

Anyhoo, I actually wore a maternity top to work today for the first time. I'm not quite into the comedy maternity jeans yet, but the tops are pretty good. And it seems all my begging, pleading, screaming and general tantrum-esque impatientness with not having a visible bump has all paid off - people who didn't know I was knocked up commented on my bumpiness today! Hooray! It just seems to have instantly appeared as soon as I wore something with a maternity label.

Why is it I didn't look pregnant until I wore a maternity top? Are they magic tops? I think they might be.


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