Wednesday 1 July 2009

Good mood, bad mood...

I was in a good mood today until I went out for tea...I even managed to eat at lunchtime and everything. I'll not go into details but tonight's tea out was quite an odd affair. It felt really strained, and I was bluntly snapped out and I'm not sure why! Then just to round everything off nicely, after tea the group smirkingly decided to go off for cocktails at which point I was really fed up and feeling sorry for myself so went home. Bah.

On a different note, another pal texted me when I got home with a picture of a new baby we're going to visit this week. She's so cute! Oh my god, that'll be me in six months. Argh!

And on a completely different note again, I've just realised that Tiger Woods looks like a black David Gest. Strange. And I'm about to Google an urban myth I heard today - that apparently David Hasselhoff's ex-wife married somebody called Michael Knight. That can't be true, surely?! I'll let you know.


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