Monday 13 July 2009

I'm picking up good vibrations...

The Other Half, my unborn child and I went to see Brian Wilson last night. Tremendous gig! I was worried he'd destroy all my childhood memories of The Beach Boys over the course of an evening, but no - the doddery old fella still has a good pair of lungs on him (and a top notch accompanying band!). And it was the baby's first live music experience. I think it enjoyed it. The Other Half also spent the journey home amusing me with renditions of Beach Boys songs sung in Vic Reeves' club singer style. There is no end to the man's talents.

Yesterday was also my folks' 29th wedding anniversary. (Their 'furniture' anniversary, according to t'interweb.) And my mother dearest informed me that next year for the 30th Anniversary- which I'm pretty sure is 'pearl'- she'd like a clock. A clock?! Alright mother, I'll get you a clock. I'm guessing she wasn't happy with sad bunch of tulips I got her yesterday that didn't stand up. Damn tulips.


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